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Other labels 12

  • Bug
    Tardis Admins
    Unintended behaviour that should be fixed.
  • Bureaucracy
    Tardis Admins
    Admin/Non-technical stuff
  • Feature request
    Tardis Admins
    A request for a new feature which doesn't exist yet.
  • Good first issue
    Tardis Admins
    If you're new, this might be the right difficulty for you.
  • Important
    Tardis Admins
    Must be done, usually for security reasons.
  • Needs Review
    Tardis Admins
    Someone needs to check this is working right, or do a final step for it to be deployed.
  • Requires Admin
    Tardis Admins
    An admin will need to do this task, although feedback is still welcome.
  • Somewhat Urgent
    Tardis Admins
    Deadline is incoming.
  • Sonic Screwdriver
    Tardis Admins / NixOS Configs
  • Tech Debt
    Tardis Admins
    Stuff we should have done before now but need to catch up on
  • Urgent
    Tardis Admins
    If we don't do it now, there's no point doing it.
  • Web Frontend
    Tardis Admins / NixOS Configs